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Real Time PCR Detection Kit Theileria lestoquardi

Detection test kit of Theileria lestoquardi, by using qPCR. Ovine theileriosis is an important hemoprotozoal disease of sheep and goats in tropical and subtropical regions that leads to economic losses for these animals.

Real Time PCR Detection Kit Theileria spp.

Theileria spp. detection test kit by using qPCR. Theileria is a genus of parasitic protozoan closely related to Plasmodium. The organism is transmitted by various tick species including Rhipicephalus, Dermacentor, and Haemaphysalis. Two Theileria species, T. annulata and T. parva, are important cattle parasites. T. annulata causes tropical theileriosis and T. parva causes East Coast fever. T. equi is a known cause of equine piroplasmosis.

Real Time PCR Detection Kit Total Bacteria DNA

Total Bacteria DNA detection test kit by using qPCR. The bacterial load can be an interesting parameter to evaluate the microbial contamination degree in a sample. Please note that PCR may detect all genomic content, including the genomes from dead cells, and this may result in higher genomic counts with respect to living cells.

Real Time PCR Detection Kit Toxoplasma gondii

Toxoplasma gondii detection test kit by using qPCR. Toxoplasma gondii is capable of infecting virtually all warm-blooded animals, but felids are the only known definitive hosts in which the parasite can undergo sexual reproduction. In most adults, it does not cause serious illness, but it can cause blindness and mental retardation in congenitally infected children and devastating disease in immunocompromised individuals.

Real Time PCR Detection Kit Treponema denticola

Detection test kit of Treponema denticola by using qPCR. Treponema denticola is associated with the incidence and severity of human periodontal disease. Treponema denticola levels in the mouth are elevated in patients with periodontal diseases and the species is considered one of the main etiological agents of periodontitis.

Real Time PCR Detection Kit Trichomonas gallinae

Trichomonas gallinae detection test kit by using qPCR. Trichomonas gallinae is a cosmopolitan protozoan parasite of pigeons, but other birds such as domestic and wild turkeys, chickens, raptors may also become infected. The disease in pigeons is commonly called canker and the same condition in birds of prey is called frounce. T. gallinae is generally found in the oral-nasal cavity or anterior end of the digestive and respiratory tracts. Transmission of the parasite from one bird to another occurs by infected parent feeding young, by contaminated drinking water, or when an infected bird is prey for another bird (raptors most commonly).

Real Time PCR Detection Kit Trichomonas vaginalis

Trichomonas vaginalis detection test kit by using qPCR. Trichomonas vaginalis is transmitted sexually and it is the most common pathogenic protozoan infection in industrialized countries. The disease has a broad range of symptoms ranging from a state of severe inflammation to a relatively asymptomatic carrier state. In most complicated cases, T. vaginalis is associated with many perinatal complications, genitourinary tract infections, and an increased incidence of HIV transmission.

Real Time PCR Detection Kit Tritrichomonas foetus

Tritrichomonas foetus by using qPCR. Tritrichomonas foetus is known to be a pathogen of the bovine reproductive tract as well as the intestinal tract of cats. In cattle, the organism is transmitted to the female vagina and uterus from the foreskin of the bull where the parasite is known to reside. It causes infertility, and, at times, has caused spontaneous abortions in the first trimester. In cats, T. foetus mainly causes diarrhea by colonization of the large intestine.

Real Time PCR Detection Kit Trueperella pyogenes (syn. Arcanobacterium pyogenes)

Trueperella pyogenes (syn. Arcanobacterium pyogenes) detection test kit by using qPCR. Trueperella pyogenes (formerly Arcanobacterium pyogenes) is found in the skin and mucosa of cattle, goats, horses, musk deer, pigs, and sheep, and less frequently appears in birds such as pigeons and turkeys. Under specific and favorable conditions it is involved in cutaneous and systemic abscesses, mastitis, metritis, and pneumonia.

Real Time PCR Detection Kit Trypanosoma spp.

Trypanosoma spp. detection test kit by using qPCR. Trypanosoma spp. infect a variety of different vertebrates, including animals and humans. The majority of species are transmitted by blood-feeding invertebrates, but there are different mechanisms among the varying species. Trypanosomes infect a variety of hosts and cause various diseases. This design detects the majority of Trypanosoma species, but excludes T. congolense, T. vivax and Trypanozoon.

Real Time PCR Detection Kit Trypanosoma vivax

Trypanosoma vivax detection test kit by using qPCR. Trypanosoma vivax is the causative agent of the disease nagana, also known as animal trypanosomiasis, affecting cattle and wild mammals. Symptoms of T. vivax include fever, anorexia, lethargy, anemia, progressive emaciation, a rapid decline in milk production, stillborn offspring, and a return to oestrus. T. vivax transmission occurs through a biological vector, the tsetse fly.

Real Time PCR Detection Kit Trypanozoon subgenus (T. evansi T. brucei T. equiperdum)

Trypanozoon subgenus (T. evansi, T. brucei, T. equiperdum) detection test kit by using qPCR. Trypanosomes are responsible for nagana and sleeping sickness; T. evansi, which causes surra; and T. equiperdum which causes horse dourine. The Trypanozoon taxa are morphologically indistinguishable, with the main differences between them being the host or the insect vector that enables their distribution.