
Real Time PCR Detection Kit Bovine ephemeral fever virus

Brand: GPS
Detection test kit of Bovine ephemeral fever virus by using qPCR. Bovine ephemeral fever (BEF), commonly known as three-day sickness is a disease of cattle and occasionally buffaloes, marked by short fever, shivering, lameness, and muscular stiffness. It causes serious economic losses through deaths, loss of condition, decreased milk production, lowered fertility of bulls, mismothering of calves, delays in marketing, and restrictions on the export of live cattle.

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Products specifications
TechnologyqPCR / Real Time PCR/ PCR
SizesTarget: 100 reactions - FAM
Target + IC: 100 reactions - FAM, HEX
Monodose Target: 24 qPCR tubes - FAM
Monodose Target + IC: 24 qPCR tubes - FAM, HEX
Background:Detection of Bovine ephemeral fever virus by using qPCR.
Bovine ephemeral fever (BEF), commonly known as three-day sickness is a disease of cattle and occasionally buffaloes, marked by short fever, shivering, lameness, and muscular stiffness. It causes serious economic losses through deaths, loss of condition, decreased milk production, lowered fertility of bulls, mismothering of calves, delays in marketing, and restrictions on the export of live cattle. The virus occurs in Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Pacific islands and it is transmitted by a range of insect vectors including mosquitoes and midges.

Product Features:
-Assay Mix Target composed by singleplex mixtures of specific forward/reverse primers and probe.
-Resuspension buffer
-DNase/RNase free water
- (OPTIONAL) Internal Control Assay Mix
- Mastermix solution
- Positive control
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