
ViroReal® Kit Bovine Herpesvirus I

Brand: Ingenetix
Detection of DNA of the UL27 gene of BoHV1 causing IBR and IPV
SKU: DVEV02911

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Products specifications
TechnologyqPCR / Real Time PCR/ PCR

DVEV02913: 100 reactions - FAM, Cy5
DVEV02953: 50 reactions - FAM, Cy5

Detection of DNA of the UL27 gene of BoHV1 causing IBR and IPV

Background: Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) is a DNA virus of the family Herpesviridae, subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae. BHV-1 can cause both clinical and subclinical infections in cattle, including infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (IBV) and infectious balanoposthitis (IBP). BHV-1 causes a lifelong latent infection in the trigeminal or sacral ganglia. Animals with a latent BHV-1 infection may serve as a source of infection for susceptible animals. BHV-1 is transmitted mainly through respiratory, ocular or genital secretions.

Description: ViroReal® Kit Bovine Herpesvirus 1 uses real-time PCR for the detection of the UL27 gene of BHV-1. Our carefully designed primers and probe ensure highest sensitivity and specificity. The kit consists of an assay mix for the detection of the pathogen as well as a positive control and an internal positive control (IPC). To minimize PCR cross-contamination,the reaction mix included contains dUTP and uracil-N glycosylase (UNG).

Product Features:
- Amplification and detection: UL27 gene of Bovine Herpesvirus 1
- Real-time PCR with rapid hot-start Taq DNA polymerase
- ROX™ dye as passive reference
- Internal Positive Control System to exclude false-negative results
- Optimized to handle PCR inhibitors
- PCR- platforms: runs on all established standard real-time PCR- platforms
- Harmonized thermal profiles to run RNA and DNA samples simultaneously
- Kits format: 100 reactions or 50 reactions
- Channel Target: FAM; Channel IPC: VIC/HEX
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