Veterinary diagnostic kits that allow the detection of virus in pets, cattle and other ruminants, pigs, horses and birds.
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Enzyme immunoassay for the detection of antibodies to Aujeszky's Disease Virus in porcine serum or meat.
Enzyme immunoassay for the screening determination of antibodies to bovine herpesvirus-1 intended for laboratory diagnosis of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR).
Enzyme immunoassay for the screening determination of antibodies to Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) in bovine serum intended for laboratory diagnosis of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea-Mucosal Disease (BVD-MD).
Detection of antibodies to Enzootic Bovine Leukosis Virus (EBLV) in individual and pooled bovine serum samples
Bovine Herpes Virus 1 Antibody Test Kit, ELISA which is causing Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)
Bovine Herpes Virus 1 Antibody Test Kit, ELISA which allows detecting antibodies to whole BoHV1- gE protein in bovine serum samples.
Bovine Leukemia Virus Antibody Test Kit, ELISA
Bovine Rotavirus-Coronavirus, Escherichia coli K99 and Cryptosporidium parvum Antigen Test Kit, ELISA
ELISA kit for the detection of antibodies against Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) in bovine, goat, ovine, and porcine serum
Multispecies Influenza Virus Antibody Test Kit. Allows detecting antibodies to all avian and swine influenza viruses type A
Immunoenzymatic assay for the detection of IgG antibodies to porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) in porcine serum
Immunoenzymatic assay for the detection of antibodies to porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) in porcine serum samples
Rotavirus, Coronavirus, Escherichia coli K99 Antigen Test Kit, ELISA
Immunoenzymatic assay for the detection of antibodies against Senecavirus A (SVA), also called Seneca Valley Virus (SVV) in porcine serum
This is an immunoenzymatic assay for the detection of swine influenza (H1N1) antibodies in porcine serum.
This is an immunoenzymatic assay for the detection of swine influenza (H3N2) antibodies in porcine serum.