
DNA/RNA Amplification and Analysis

Kits that allow amplification and analysis of DNA and RNA.

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96w PCR plate 01 mL (white) - CFX/StepOne/LC

A 96w PCR plate 0,1 mL (white)

GRS Agarose LE

Molecular Biology Grade agaroses, DNase- RNase- and Protease-free. High resolution for routine analytical and preparative applications

GRS DNA Loading Buffer Blue (6X)

Convenient solution containing Bromophenol Blue and Xylene Cyanol FF as tracking dyes

GRS dNTP Mix (10mM each)

Aqueous solution of equimolar amounts (10mM each) of dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP at pH 7.0

GRS dNTP Set (100mM each)

100mM aqueous solutions of dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP at pH 7.0

GRS High Range Ladder

Ready-to-use DNA ladders, stable at room temperature. Recommended loading of 2-5 uL per lane. Suitable for sizing linear double-stranded DNA fragments from 250bp-15kb, and composed of 7 linear chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments

GRS Ladder 100bp

Ready-to-use DNA ladders, stable at room temperature. Recommended loading of 2-5 uL per lane. Suitable for sizing linear double-stranded DNA fragments from 100bp-1500bp, and composed of 11 linear chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments

GRS Ladder 1Kb

Ready-to-use DNA ladders, stable at room temperature. Recommended loading of 2-5 uL per lane. Suitable for sizing linear double-stranded DNA fragments from 500bp-10kb, and composed of 10 linear chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments.

GRS Ladder 50bp

Ready-to-use DNA ladders, stable at room temperature. Recommended loading of 2-5 uL per lane. Suitable for sizing linear double-stranded DNA fragments from 50bp-1000bp, and composed of 13 linear chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments

GRS Low Range Ladder

Ready-to-use DNA ladders, stable at room temperature. Recommended loading of 2-5 uL per lane. Suitable for sizing linear double-stranded DNA fragments from 25bp-700bp, and composed of 10 linear chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments

GRS PCR Grade Water

Quality tested, ultrapure water suitable for all molecular biology applications, including PCR, RT-PCR, and realtime PCR. PCR grade water is prepared by a purification process that does not use chemical compounds such as DEPC

GRS Universal Ladder

Ready-to-use DNA ladders, stable at room temperature. Recommended loading of 2-5 uL per lane. Suitable for sizing linear double-stranded DNA fragments from 100bp-10kb, and composed of 15 linear chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments

RNase Inhibitor (40 U/uL)

RNase Inhibitor specifically inhibits common RNases, including RNase A, RNase B, and RNase C. As the RNase inhibitor does not interfere with DNA polymerase activity, it is an extremely useful additive in PCR and RT-PCR. Is a sturdy enzyme with improved resistance to oxidation, being stable under very low concentrations (<1mM) of DTT

Xpert ampliFi 2X Mastermix

END-POINT PCR: Ultra low error-rate (100x lower the Taq) for demanding and complex target. (MASTERMIX)

Xpert ampliFi DNA Polymerase (dNTPs included)

END-POINT PCR: Ultra low error-rate (100x lower the Taq) for demanding and complex target. (KIT)

Xpert ampliFi Hotstart 2X Mastermix

END-POINT PCR: Improved hotstart technology, together with a ultra low error-rate (100x lower than Taq) for the most demanding and complex targets. (MASTERMIX)